Hello There, internet friends!
Well, I'm continuing to amass work for my show in April... I have almost all the animation nearly completed for this show and that's good! But, of course, going along in the process, I had a new idea for how I want to present them but for now I have to keep along with what I've started....so think of these as a mock-up for what I ultimately want to do. here's the most completed one "Perpetual Pirouette, 2014" :
The figures in the background are all the drawings that make up this movement. You can see here, without the animation on top:
Pirouette Figures, 2014
There is one more thing I want to do to it to finish. These next two are a little more rough but also very lovely....
That is titled (for now) "Spiral Arms, 2014"
And here is one that has been making me want to pull all the hair out of my head!!! But it is almost done, just a little more smoothing out....and it's really what this project is all about...let me show you what I mean. First I sketched and laid out this image:
"Twirling, 2013" |
Then, from those figures and the title, I choreographed and drew out this movement:
"Twirling Figures, 2014" |
And from these figures I am in the process of completing this animation, which is called "Twirling, 2014":
So, as hair-pullingly frustrated as I am at this point, I'm also very happy with how it's going and I sense that when I look a back this, months after it's over, I'm going to be very pleased with it....but right now I need a break.....So I'm on to writing stuff now--mostly to give my wrist a break because it hurts!! OUCH!
I could maintain the illusion that art is some big mysterious thing that shoots out of my eyes like beautiful rainbows but I'm going to be real, it hurts sometimes! I've got scars and giant callouses to prove it.
But, I love it and I won't stop doing it!!!!
So, now that I'm done complaining, here is a new movement sequence because I just work through the pain:
"Zenon ONE, 2014" |
This is one of the movements I got from drawing the Zenon Dance Company's classes. They were amazing and super fun to draw. I have a ton more from these sessions to put together and when I'm totally done with this series, which should be in the next couple of months, I'm going to set up a tumblr page of all the work, so you can see it all together even if you can't make it to the opening and have a drink with me! It's going to be fun and a beautiful collection. I'm so excited to see it finished and all on in one space. :-))))
thanks for stopping by and checking out my work! but, as usual, I'm running late, so I have to go!!!
Be well and stay warm, friends!
Love, Beckarooooo!!!