Hello there!
Welcome back to my studio. I've been SOOOO busy the last couple of weeks! I've mainly been focused on making a coloring book and posters for Columbia Children's Theater but I've also been developing my Joseph story into a graphic novel and while I've been doing that I've also been working on developing another one of my stories, "Princess Helen and the Dragon," into a book. I love how that one is coming along so here are the colors for a few sample pages:
pages 18 and 19 |
Pages 20 and 21 |
Pages 22 and 23 |
Watch out for those Girafficorns, they come out of nowhere! Don't worry, this one starts out a little crabby but it's friendly in the end. In my last post I shared the layouts for these pages and those have the words, so scroll down to check that out. Princess Helen is super fun to work with, she's always down for an adventure and I love this story. Also, her cat is purple. Need I say more? ....since I'm super busy I have to keep this post short but I wanted to share this image:
Dancer, adjusting her shoe, 2014 |
I still like drawing dancers! And I think I'm getting pretty good at it! Actually, one of my pieces got in to a show called "The Art of Dance" which is being put on by Las Lagunas Gallery in Laguna Beach, CA. It beat out hundreds of other pieces, nationwide so I'm pretty proud. :-D Here is the winning piece:
Ballerina Graffiti 3 of 3, 2014, Photo Credit: Jyoti Omi Chowdhury |
So, if you are in the LA area next weekend, go check out this show! It's going to be a lovely collection and the print I'm presenting is so lovely! In the meantime, I must be getting back to all my other work. I still have a ton of stuff to do!!! ...which is awesome becuase I love drawing pictures.
Thanks for the visit! Check back, soon, for more fun stuff from me!
Love, Beckarooo!