Hi there!
Thanks for visiting my blog, which I am terrible at keeping up with....I've been buried in my book, "Joseph, the Dreamer" and I needed a little break so I decided to play around this week--and that means I have new work I can post! I am in love with drawing ballet and so I spent most of my time working on some ballet art. Here are some sketches:
Fifth Positions, sketch |
ballet sketches! |
I've been having a lot of fun playing with color in my book so I used this as a color and pattern exercise, too. Here are a couple of more in-depth drawings.
"La Fille Mai Gardee, fifth position" 2015 |
"Don Quixote, arabesque" 2015 |
I love them! I am going to make more, more more! I have been thinking about ballet so much lately and I love the music of Swan Lake by Tchaikovsky so I played a bit with that and I love what I came up with:
"Swan Lake" 2015 |
I love the direction this is going in, so I will surely be creating more of this in the future.
Don't worry, I've also been working on "Phantom." I'm working on the scripts and the layouts but here is a new piece of conceptual that I think turned out nicely:
"Anywhere you go, let me go, too..." 2015 |
More of that on the way, too.
And, hey! I also played around with some images of Xena, the warrior princess. My dad is a big Xena fan and he introduced me to her. I love her! I don't know why it took me so long to draw a picture of her!
Xena, sketches |
Well, I've had a fun break but it is back to Ancient Egypt and the story of Joseph. I can't wait for you to see it! (In so much time from now....ugh!!!) but it is going to be a beautiful and adorable book! Till then, I will post what work I can, I've got some new theater posters to share, soon, so come back, soon!
Thanks for the visit--more to come!!
Love, Beckaroo!!!!!