This is an image for Pinocchio. I had no idea how dark that story was and I have to say... I like it a lot better now that I know.
What illustrator doesn't want to draw Alice? How lucky am I? This one is getting colored and going up on my wall. The first of many. (:
So now on to the biggest challenge of this project which is to take an original script and, with no input from anything or anyone else, completely design a look for the characters, the set and the feel of the show. Also, keep in mind that this is a musical and all I to work with was the lyrics, no music! A daunting task? Perhaps, but creating whole worlds and populating them with myriad complex societies is something I like to do for fun so, of course, this is a perfect challenge for me. "The Buccaneers" opened at The Children's Theatre in Minneapolis on Sept. 11, 2012 and runs til Oct. 21, 2012--if you are in the Minneapolis area you should check it out! After seeing the play, I must say that I captured the feeling of it quite well, especially considering how little I had to work with, so if you like this image then you will LOVE that play!
So, now on to the posters. I decided to show you the final colored image right next to the black and white because I love the difference the color makes. It's almost a completely different image! (Color Theory, I love you!)
Who, who has known and loved a child, has not read "Goodnight Moon?"
I have it memorized--surprised?-- and, needless to say, I was very happy to work on this one.
People who know me can tell you I'm not a very "pink" girl and I have never made anything this pink in my life! But I'm not afraid of a challenge and I feel certain that conquered that color.
"Rapunzel".... I think it's pretty obvious how much fun I had with the hair.
"A Year With Frog and Toad" is one of my very favorite plays!
And yes, there are more but you will have to check out Columbia Children's Theatre's website and Facebook page if you want to see the what is coming out next!
Well, as you can see I've had a very busy and very fun summer that flew right by. I can't wait to work on this project again next year! Also, my website is going through a major over-haul this month and will return much better than before the following month. You'll just have to hold tight til then.
Stay posted for new "Hero's Journey" art.....
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