Hi there!
I'm so excited because I have awesome news....but I'm not allowed to say anything for another couple of weeks....curse you, art world for moving so slowly!!! But I will be posting about it once I can, I promise!!
:-D SO....in the meantime....I've been still collecting images for my show....now I have plenty of images to work with so I'm starting to focus more on how well they flow together. I've been focusing on the images I got from drawing the Zenon Dance Company's rehearsals and classes....I haven't done that in a few months and going back through this work I want to do even more!!! BUT, till then, here are some of the newest additions to my series....
"Zenon ONE" 2014 |
There I go with my super creative titles, right? ...Someday I'll figure that out...it's just that HATE pretension and so many titles of art are exactly that. I'd rather be simple than pretentious .... anyway, the title isn't the point, the drawing is.
"Zenon Warrior" 2014 |
"Zenon Perfectly Balanced" 2014 |
These two were fun. Balancing on one foot like that isn't just tricky to do , it's also tricky to draw. I'm so happy with how solidly grounded both these figures are. Also I tried a little design theory experimentation. Vertical composition vs. horizontal and how does that effect the perception of stability in the image? Basic 2-D Design Theory tells me that you, the viewer, should find both images to be stable but the majority of you will be drawn to the lower one because the vertical composition is a little more boldly balanced and so your eye will be drawn to it. The top one should be giving you a nice comfortable and serene sense of solidity, so even though your eye isn't immediately drawn to it, it will linger on that image longer.....tell me, which one do you like better and why? (Design is fun!)
Now that I'm done with that little tangent, here are some new additions, as well....These are drawings of the twins that I nanny for. They love dancing Bhangra, we have to have a dance party at least once a day! And they are such good dancers, too! So I was having fun drawing them, lookie-lookie:
Maya Panda sketches, 2014 |
Naari Tiger sketches, 2014 |
So, after having done a bunch of sketching, I then go through and sort out which ones will work well in sequence. Some days that's easy and some days it just doesn't happen, so I drink some tea or cocoa instead. I was intending to use these for my show, anyway, but when their mom saw them, it ended up turning into a commission and I've been working on triptych portrait in the style of this series I'm working on. It's nice working for a family who really loves what I'm doing! Lucky!
Here are the 2 images for the twinsies:
"Maya and Panda," 2014 |
"Naari and Tiger," 2014 |
Then there will be this centerpiece:
"Tiger and Panda," (in progress) 2014 |
I want to play around with the two patterns but I'm not sure yet how that will work.... here are the other two as a diptych. (The would be on opposite sides of each other with the centerpiece added, FYI) I love the heart shape they are making....I heart hearts!
"Tiger and Panda Dancing Bhangra," diptych 2014 |
I wish someone had captured my baby moves like that. I love how 2 year-olds dance--they have their own unique way of moving and it's totally free and super adorable. I love it!!!
Well, I'm really happy with how productive I've been the past couple of weeks....but I still have much more to do and other projects to work on, as well, especially Joseph! :-))))
Thanks for the visit, internet friends, but I have to get back to business...the business of drawing pictures. It's very serious business!! :-P
Be well,
Love, Beckaroooooo!!!
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