Monday, October 22, 2012

10.22.12 Another day, another drawing

Hey, out there!

Welcome back to my studio!
  I have had another very productive week, which makes me oh so happy!
I worked more on "Hero's Journey" and, so, I have more pages to show you that are fully colored--lucky you!  This time I'm posting them next to their inked lines because, as you may be aware, I love to see the difference the color makes.

Page 4

Page 5

"Hero's Journey" is coming along nicely, very smoothly.  I am very happy with the overall look of the book and I can't wait to get to the meatier parts.  Speaking of that, I have more scripting to do...

Also, sometimes, I draw just for fun, just to relax or loosen up before I start something bigger.  When I'm just doing some free-form art I tend to draw faces and animals.  ... just like the cavemen ... hmmmm....Well, I'm a big fan of the really early Geometric-style,  pre-Hellenistic Greek pottery.  I know that's a lot of words and I'm not trying to sound pretentious but sometimes that's hard when you are talking about Art History.  The point is, I love how they stylized the animals then and that's been a huge a influence in how I've simplified animals, stylistically, in my work.  Here's some idea of that, mostly in the bird and the bunny.

I'm always happy when a spider shows up--they are good luck...for artists anyway.

I also love fairy tales and folk lore of all kinds so when I'm drawing just for fun, guess what I gravitate to?  I was thinking a lot about the story of Rapunzel:

I liked the sketch so much I decided to finish it, so I put the final study up next  to it.  I just made an illustration of Rapunzel for the last coloring book I did but that was a comedy and I've always thought of Rapunzel as a very sad, sad story, so I felt unresolved at the end of that one.  Now, I've gotten the real Rapunzel image out of my head and I'll be sleeping better now.
  I will have the finished colors up next week--promise!

Well, thanks for stopping by the studio!  I'm off to talk a nice long walk by the River to enjoy Minneapolis in the Autumn! (it's going to be winter so soon.)
 Have fun out there in the world!

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